Selected Fiction

The Laundry Room (Longlisted for Toto Awards for Creative Writing, 2022) | Identity Theory, Sept 2023

Blackie | Sanglap Journal of Literary and Cultural Inquiry, 2022.

Chunni | Greatest Gujarati Stories Ever Told. Ed. Rita Kothari, Aleph Publications, 2022.

Inertia | Out of Print, September 2021.

Selected Non-Fiction

Review Essay: Between revolution and rebellion: The unimagined communities of Arunachal Pradesh | Usawa Literary Magazine, June 2023.

Essay: Literary Lessons with Nazim Hikmet | Gulmohar Quarterly Issue 7/8, 2022.

Essay: Dalit Plays in Gujarati: Writing Against A Lanugaue of Violence | Sahapedia, September 2020.

Essay: Krishna and Bhishma as antagonists?: Iconoclasm in Dalpat Chauhan’s Plays | Sahapedia. September 2020.